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2024-05-01 15 网站首席编辑


mydream future为题的英语作文

Everyone has a wonderful dream,my dream is to do a writer.As early as in the first grade primary school,this dream in heart planted the seeds of the ideal,and now this dream has taken root,the more strongly.

I hope my article can bring happiness to others,moved and education,I hope people can find the pleasure of reading in my article.

This is my dream future.

每个人都有一个美好的梦想,我的梦想是以后做一位作家,早在小学一年级时,这个梦想就在我心里埋下了理想的种子,如今这个梦想已经生根发芽,越发的强烈了。 我希望我写的文章能给别人带去快乐、感动和教育,我愿人们能在我的文章里找到阅读的乐趣。这就是我的梦想我的未来。

相关标签: # 英语 # 教育

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