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用英语介绍你会做的事,用I can这个句型,语言易懂,单词简练

2024-05-04 16 网站首席编辑

用英语介绍你会做的事,用I can这个句型,语言易懂,单词简练


您好,;舅舅;叔叔; 伯伯; 姑父;姨父等等,用英文介绍时全都称为 uncle。;一般如果要区别他们的不同,比如说爸爸这边的兄弟 (伯伯及叔叔)分别为:;This uncle is my father's younger brother.;这是我爸爸的弟弟(叔叔)。;This uncle is my father's older brother.;这是我爸爸的哥哥(伯伯)。;These uncles are from my father's side.;这几位(叔父;伯父)是我父亲这边的(兄弟/亲戚)。;妈妈这边的兄弟都称呼舅舅,而英文区别(例子)为:;Uncle Tom is my mom's younger brother.;汤姆舅舅是我母亲的弟弟。;That uncle is my mother's older brother; my oldest uncle.;那位舅舅是我母亲的哥哥,我的大舅父。;These uncles are from my mother's side. ;这几位舅舅是我我母亲这边的(兄弟/亲戚)。;所以舅舅用英文介绍一般称呼 uncle 即可,而若有人问起则可补充说是 from my mother side of the family,或简易一点说 from my mother's side,或 my mom's brother,那麼对方就会瞭解了。

用英语介绍你会做的事,用I can这个句型,语言易懂,单词简练

I can dance.But I can not sing.I can also play the guitar.I can do many things.For example,I can help my mother do the dishes.I can play basketball with my friends.I can clean the house.I can do my homework by mystery.

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